Father John Misty - Screamland Text

Songtext zu Screamland

[Verse 1]
The optimist
Swears hope dies last
And shoots the lamplight clean from the brakeman's hand
It's always the darkest right before the end
And you could say that no one here really believes
In the future, in perfection, that things aren't what they seem
Like a sucker with a scratcher, like a fuck-up with a dream
Stabbing at the ashtray like it might give up the truth
Like it might finally confess who else you're nearly faithful to

Stay young
Get numb

Keep dreaming

[Verse 2]
Picked me up and drove by the light of the moon
Four hours to the desert from the drawing room
This year's wine tasted suspicious but just enough like love
God must be with the outcasts 'cause when I call, you come
And at this late hour
Won't have to beg mercy for defeat
Just drop your hands the way love taught you
Ash white and voodoo
Deathless as a weed
Since I lied to keep you, I'm starting to feel
Like how long can you love someone for the weakness they conceal

Stay young
Get numb

Keep dreaming

[Verse 3]
Love must find a way, love must find a way
After every desperate measure, just a miracle will take
Love must find a way, ah, love must find a way
After every desperate measure, just a miracle will take
Roll the stone away, I want to go
Where everyone is perfect beneath their robes
Honey, take me down to the water's edge
Mama said that we could get my hip brace wet
Maybe we are living in a state of grace returned
Maybe faith like this has at least one practitioner
Rings up to the knuckles, sutures in the bath
Here lie the born losers, God won't take them back

Stay young
Get numb
Keep dreaming, oh
Screamland, oh
Keep dreaming, oh
Screamland, oh
Screamland, oh
Screamland, oh

Father John Misty - Screamland Songtext

zu Screamland von Father John Misty - Screamland Lyrics Father John Misty - Screamland Text Father John Misty - Screamland Tekst piosenki Screamland Father John Misty Screamland Liedtext
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Album: Mahashmashana (2024)

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