ERIICE - Survivor Text

Songtext zu Survivor

Have you ever been hurt before
Have you cried the surprise
So maybe I gave too long
I’ve been thinking could I be so blind
(But in your heart)
It’s hard to be so wrong
Right from the start
I’ll learn to carry on

I’m a survivor (and you know you can)
I’m a survivor (and you know you can)
Ready and able (and you know you can)
Cause I’m a survivor (and you know you can)

Easy come not easy go
What a friend I have and I don’t want to lose you
I’ve no illusions now so much regret
So much I’m feeling
(But in your heart)
It’s hard to be so wrong
Right from the start
I’ll learn to carry on

I’m a survivor (and you know you can)
I’m a survivor (and you know you can)
Ready and able (and you know you can)
Cause I’m a survivor (and you know you can)

Return a now beginning now
I’ve learned how to carry on

I’m a survivor
I’m thinking of

I’m a survivor
So much regret
Ready and able
I need to love
I’ll know in time

I’m a survivor
I’m a survivor
Ready and able
I’m a survivor
And you know yes you can

I’m a survivor
I’m a survivor
I’m a survivor
I’m a survivor

ERIICE - Survivor Songtext

zu Survivor von ERIICE - Survivor Lyrics ERIICE - Survivor Text Survivor ERIICE Survivor Liedtext
ERIICE Survivor Letra de Survivor com ERIICE ERIICE - Survivor Songtekst ERIICE - Survivor Tekst
Album: I’m A Survivor

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