Eredaze - Running Through Hell Text

Songtext zu Running Through Hell

You can catch me running through hell
I'm ready to go
You can catch me running through hell
Yes I'm ready to go
I don't know where the time went
You can catch me

You can catch me running through hell
Yes I'm ready to go
I don't even know where the time went
I don't know where the time went
Way too much time spent

Amongst the hellfire flames
Burning all joy away
Madness in my brain
Turned into a warzone

[Verse 1]
This not my home anymore
But I will
Yeah I will purge thе sadness away
Purge the madnеss away
Purge the sadness away
And purge the madness away
'Cause I'll be damned
Yeah I be damned
If the madness don't go away

You can catch me running through hell
Yes I'm ready to go

I don't even know where the time went
I don't know where the time went
Way too much time spent
Amongst the hellfire flames
Burning all joy away
Madness in my brain
Turned into a warzone

[Verse 2]
A warzone, a warzone
Yes I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of running
Yeah I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of running
Yeah I'm fighting with my goddamn self
Running from my goddamn self
The madness been taking over
But the show ain't over yet
And this is not how my story's gonna end

Catch me running through hell
Yes I'm ready to go
I don't even know where the time went
I don't know where the time went
Way too much time spent
Amongst the hellfire flames
Burning all joy away
Madness in my brain
Turned into a warzone

Eredaze - Running Through Hell Songtext

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