Songtext zu Not Anymore
[Intro]Whoa, whoa
Mm, I'm not gonna go out like that
I'm not gonna go out all bad
All sad, fuck that
I'm not gonna go out all bad
I'm not gonna go out all sad, ey
They try to control my life
Won't let them decide happiness of mine
In the night, where monsters hide
They want me to die
Want me to die right here in the dark
Want me to die right here right now
But fuck all them and fuck all that
I'm not saying I go out bad
Not gonna go out all sad
Aye, no no no no no (no no no no)
No no no no no(no no no)
I'm not gonna go out like that
Aye, I'm not gonna go out all bad
[Verse 2]
Aye, well I been lost in the abyss
Where they deprive you of any kind of bliss
And I'll be damned if I went out like this
So I won't even though
My demons they be tryna drag me so deep into hell
I will never make it back
But I'ma walk right through hell
And make it back home
'Cause not gonna go out like that
I'm not gonna go out all bad
All sad
I won't let them control me
They try to control my life
Won't let them decide happiness of mine
In the night where monsters hide
They want me to die
Want me to die right here in the dark
Want me to die right here right now
But fuck all them and fuck all that
I'm not saying I go out bad
Not gonna go out all sad
Aye, no no no no no (no no no no)
No no no no no (no no no)
I'm not gonna go out like that
Aye, I'm not gonna go out all bad
Eredaze - Not Anymore Songtext
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