Enhypen feat. JVKE - XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Text

Songtext zu XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.)

(XO XO Kiss me Don't let go)
Kiss me
Don't let go
XO yeah

You the typa girl to really heal my scar
Look me in my face I don't need no drama
Keep it hot like sauna

You say you need
Some more love from me
Say yes to me

So don't play no games
We could turn a spark into a flame
Just say my name
Speedin' to you baby switching lanes

And it's so cliche
But girl you make me feel some typa way hey
This ain't no phase
I promise I'mma be the one who stays

Kiss me
Don't let go

Kiss me
Don't let go


Kiss me
Don't let go
XO yeah

On my best side
Got you ballin'
I'm sitting courtside yeah yeah

That's the home team
And we in OT
Yeah we finally winning

You say you need
Some more love from me
Say yes to me

So don't play no games
We could turn a spark into a flame
Just say my name
Speedin' to you baby switching lanes

And it's so cliche
But girl you make me feel some typa way hey
This ain't no phase
I promise I'mma be the one who stays

Kiss me
Don't let go

Kiss me
Don't let go

Kiss me
Don't let go

JVKE & Enhypen - XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Songtext

zu XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) von Enhypen - XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) (Feat. JVKE) Lyrics Enhypen - XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) (Feat. JVKE) Text Enhypen & JVKE - XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Tekst piosenki XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Enhypen XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Liedtext
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zu XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Songtext von Enhypen feat. JVKE mit XO (Only if you say yes) (English Ver.) Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Enhypen feat. JVKE Musik-Videos und Liedtexten