Emmit Fenn - Do You Feel the Same? Text

Songtext zu Do You Feel the Same?

I saw a humming bird and it said hi
It danced in circles round the window light
And I thought of you
I thought of you

I felt the rain fall on my face
Running rivers down the interstate
And I thought of you
I thought of you
I thought of you
I thought of you

I heard the flowers bloom in Paris now
And all the butterflies dance for the crowds

And I thought of you
I thought of you

And there's a couple dancing in the park
For a moment they forget where they are
And I thought of you
I thought of you
I thought of you

Sunset skies on an endless day
When you hold me tight
It all feels the same
Feels the same
Feels the same

The world stops spinning every time you stay
Now I can't stop thinking do you feel the same
Feel the same
Feel the same

Feel the same
Feel the same

Sunset skies on an endless day
When you hold me tight
It all feels the same
Feels the same
Feels the same

The world stops spinning every time you stay
Now I can't stop thinking do you feel the same
Feel the same
Feel the same

Emmit Fenn - Do You Feel the Same? (Ocula Remix) Songtext

zu Do You Feel the Same? (Ocula Remix) von Emmit Fenn - Do You Feel the Same? Lyrics Emmit Fenn - Do You Feel the Same? (Ocula Remix) Text Do You Feel the Same? (Ocula Remix) Emmit Fenn Do You Feel the Same? (Ocula Remix) Liedtext
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Do You Feel the Same?
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Emmit Fenn

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