Eminem - Steve Berman Text

Songtext zu Steve Berman

[Skit: Eminem, Steve Berman, Vanessa (Secretary)]
*door opening*
*Instrumental for What's the Difference by Dr. Dre (Ft. Eminem & Xzibit) plays in the background*
Hey, Em, what's up?
Steve Berman, what's going on, man? How you doin'?
Good to see you again, what's up?
Em, could you come here and have a seat, please?
Umm, yeah, what's u-
Vanessa, shut the door
Okay, *door closes*
So, what's up?
How's orders lookin' for the first week?
It would be better if you gave me nothing at all

This album is less than nothing
I can't sell this fucking record
Do you know what's happening to me out there?
Wh-wha-what's the problem?
Violet Brown told me to go fuck myself!
Who's Violet-
Tower Records told me to shove this record up my ass!
Do you know what it feels like to be told to have a record
Shoved up your ass?
But I-
I'm gonna lose my fucking job over this
Do you know why Dre's record was so successful?
He's rapping about big-screen TV's, blunts, 40's and bitches
You're rapping about homosexuals and Vicodin
I mean...
I can't sell this shit!
Either change the record or it's not comin' out!

What? I-
Now get the fuck out of my office!
What am I 'sposed-
*sigh* Alright, man-

Eminem - Steve Berman (skit) Songtext

zu Steve Berman (skit) von Eminem - Steve Berman Lyrics Eminem - Steve Berman (skit) Text Steve Berman (skit) Eminem Steve Berman (skit) Liedtext
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Album: The Marshall Mathers LP (2000)

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