Songtext zu Metamorphosis
Oh baby, I put it on the stub again
I saw you on the side, all running for me
And maybe I'm collapsing in my dream
It all just feels so unreal, so unreal, so unreal
Chase me, obsess me
Let me be your enemy
Take me, claim me
The only one who's getting me
Don't call me, just ask me
I don't need your remedy
Don't change me, don't blame me
You're the one who's playing me
It's a metaphor
Climbing from a hole
Dark and no one's home
Tell me if you're bored
No wasting love emotes
I'm asking for my own
Can't stop drowning in my soul
Everything just goes too slow
Chase me, obsess me, let me be your enemy
Take me, claim me, the only one who's getting me
Don't call me, just text me, I don't need your remedy
Don't change me, don't blame me, you're the one who's buying me
Buying me, buying me
Emi - Metamorphosis Songtext
zu Metamorphosis von Emi - Metamorphosis Lyrics Emi - Metamorphosis Text Emi - Metamorphosis Tekst piosenki Metamorphosis Emi Metamorphosis LiedtextEmi Metamorphosis Letra de Metamorphosis com Emi
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