Elliot James Reay - I Think They Call This Love Text

Songtext zu I Think They Call This Love

[Verse 1]
They say you know when you know
So, let's face it, you had me at "Hello"
Hesitation never helps
How could this be anything, anything else?

When all I dream of is your eyes
All I long for is your touch
And, darling, something tells me that's enough, mm-mm-mm-mm
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much
But I think they call this love

[Verse 2]
One smile, one kiss, two lonely hearts is all that it takes
Now, baby, you're on my mind, every night, every day
Good vibrations getting loud
How could this be anything, anything else?

When all I dream of is your eyеs
All I long for is your touch
And, darling, something tells me that's еnough, mm-mm-mm-mm
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much
But I think they call this love

Oh, I think they call this love

Hmm, ooh-ooh, mm

What could this be
Between you and me? Oh, oh

All I dream of is your eyes
All I long for is your touch
And, darling, something tells me, tells me, it's enough
You can say that I'm a fool
And I don't know very much
But I think they call—
Oh, I think they call—
Yes, I think they call
This love

This love

Elliot James Reay - I Think They Call This Love Songtext

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