ElGrandeToto - Love Nwantiti Text

Songtext zu Love Nwantiti

My baby my valentine
Girl na you dey make my temperature dey rise
If you leave me I go die (I swear)
You are like the oxygen I need to survive
I'll be honest
Your loving dey totori me
I am so obsessed
I want to chop your nkwobi
Ule your body dey gbakam isi
Ule open am make I see ule
Nyem love nwantiti
Wey fit make a bad man sing oh

Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh
Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh

[ElGrande Toto]
Oui toute ma vie kandour b llil
Jack flyedd, j'essaye de te pister baby (yeah yeah yeah)
Sombre est ma vie, 9bel 12 d llil
Kanchrob kanchoufek fel kissan baby (yeah yeah yeah)
Très jolies cuisses là j'décale la ficelle
Zine bombe atomique
M3aki baghi nchouf mon fils ey! yeah!
Ta men walidik bghaw y3erfo fine saken
F7yati achno kandir? kanserref la sel3a d Issaguen
Galbi chafek ghewwet ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Grand vaillant b7al Kirikou
3la weddek ma nekhser 7ta comba-a-a-a-a-at
Lovini my baby boo, lovini ghandiro fawda

Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh
Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh

ElGrandeToto - Love Nwantiti Songtext

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