Eelke Kleijn - Lately Text

Songtext zu Lately

[Verse 1]
Gonna live my life
I can't never leave
Gonna learn to love
Find out what love is

Only hell knows if heaven exists
Who knows if it's better than this
Pray I'd never learn from mistakes I've made

There's no future, there's no past
Beating hearts are all we have

Getting stronger break by break
From all of these mistakes I've made
Mistakes I've made
What path remain
Mistakes I've, mistakes I've made

[Verse 2]
Gonna feed my soul
Hoping never rests
Tell em we are young
We're not wise
We're just cruel
Loving fools looking for Paradise

Only hell knows if heaven exist
Who knows if it's better than this
Pray I'd never learn from mistakes I've made

There's no future, there's no past
Beating hearts are all we have
Getting stronger break by break
From all of these mistakes I've made
Mistakes I've made
What path remain
Mistakes I've, mistakes I've made

There's no future, there's no past
Beating hearts are all we have
Getting stronger break by break
From all of these mistakes I've made
Mistakes I've made
What path remain
Mistakes I've, mistakes I've made

Eelke Kleijn - Lately (Extended Mix) Songtext

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