Eden Golan - October Rain [Hurricane] Text

Songtext zu October Rain [Hurricane]

Writers of the history, stand with me
Look into my eyes and see
People go away but never say goodbye
Someone stole the moon tonight, took my light
Everything is black and white
Who's the fool who told you boys don't cry

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild

Every day I'm loosing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride
Dancing in the storm, we got nothing to hide

Take me home and leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this October rain
October rain

Living in a fantasy, ecstasy
Everything's meant to be
We shall pass but love will never die

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild

Every day I'm loosing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride
Dancing in the storm, we got nothing to hide
Take me home and leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this October rain
October rain

October rain

לא נשאר אוויר לנשום, אין מקום
אין אותי מיום ליום
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Eden Golan - October Rain [Hurricane] Songtext

zu October Rain [Hurricane] von Eden Golan - October Rain [Hurricane] Lyrics for Eden Golan - October Rain [Hurricane] Lyrics for October Rain [Hurricane] by Eden Golan - October Rain [Hurricane] Text October Rain [Hurricane] Eden Golan October Rain [Hurricane] Liedtext
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