Eddie Benjamin - MANIAC Text

Songtext zu MANIAC

I used to cry better
I used to love better
I used to drink never
I used to take lesser
You didn't say the letters
Communication, never
You didn't tell me that you're losing love, ever

You can't even look me in my eye (Eye)
What, who is this?
Insane disguise

You treat me like a maniac
How do you lose that love so fast?

'Cause I'm still stuck in the times we had
And you still treat me like a maniac

A maniac, a maniac
A maniac, a maniac
You still treat me like
A maniac, a maniac
A maniac
You still treat me like

I could've stayed, but I
Swear I couldn't settle
I know I don't seem clever
I swear, I'm no pretender
I wouldn't hurt you, ever
Intentional, never
I wish I would've told ya that you needed better
You can't even look me in my eye (Eye)
What, who is this?
Insane disguise

You treat me like a maniac
How do you lose that love so fast?
'Cause I'm still stuck in the times we had
And you still treat me like a maniac

A maniac, a maniac
A maniac, a maniac
You still treat me like
A maniac, a maniac
A maniac
You still treat me like

Goes to show
You were never there
You were never there
Goes to show
When I reveal myself
You call me crazy

You treat me like a maniac
How do you lose that love so fast?
'Cause I'm still stuck in the times we had
And you still treat me like a maniac
A maniac, a maniac
A maniac, a maniac
You still treat me like
A maniac (A maniac)
A maniac (Oh, a maniac)
A maniac
You still treat me like

Eddie Benjamin - MANIAC Songtext

zu MANIAC von Eddie Benjamin - MANIAC Lyrics Eddie Benjamin - MANIAC Text Eddie Benjamin - MANIAC Tekst piosenki MANIAC Eddie Benjamin MANIAC Liedtext
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