Dutch Melrose - PORNSTAR Text

Songtext zu PORNSTAR

[Verse 1]
Faded, pressure builds, no need to say it
We're chasin’ thrills, don't leave me waitin'
It’s just for the night, I wanna make you only mine

You're like a sweet dream
It's in the way you please me
You know we'll take it all the way
Shootin' a scene for two
(It's only me and you)

Fuck me like a porn star, baby, don't stop

You get me obsessed every time our lips lock
Work it for the camera, little film star
Nobody's gotta know, you do it like a pro (Like a pro, oh yeah)

I want your lips, your touch
Ride me ’til the morning, I’m all in your love
I know you've been lonely
Want your lips, your touch
Ride me ’til the morning, I'm all in your love, all in

[Verse 2]
Yeah, you're my little actress
With stars in her eyes, laid on the mattress (Oh)
Performing her lines, I need you right now
And all of the time, I wanna make you only mine

You're like a sweet dream

It’s in the way you please me
You know, we'll take it all the way
Shootin' a scene for two
(It's only me and you)

Fuck me like a porn star, baby, don't stop
You get me obsessed every time our lips lock
Work it for the camera, little film star
Nobody's gotta know, you do it like a pro (Like a pro, oh yeah)

I want your lips, your touch
Ride me 'til the morning, I'm all in your love
I know you've been lonely
Want your lips, your touch
Ride me 'til the morning, I'm all in your love, all in

My god, you're like a sweet dream
It's in the way you please me
You know, we'll take it all the way
Shootin' a scene for two
(It's only me and you)

Fuck me like a porn star, baby, don't stop
You get me obsessed every time our lips lock
Work it for the camera, little film star
Nobody's gotta know, you do it like a pro
My god, you're like a—

Dutch Melrose - PORNSTAR Songtext

zu PORNSTAR von Dutch Melrose - PORNSTAR Lyrics Dutch Melrose - PORNSTAR Text PORNSTAR Dutch Melrose PORNSTAR Liedtext
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