Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Text

Songtext zu The Universe Alone

[Verse 1]
It's beautiful, the dying sun
The end of everything and everyone
So shall we make a clan my friend
As if we have the chance to live it all again

I'll see you in some other lifetime
On the other side of what we'll never know
Together we have walked a fine line
Now we go to face the universe alone

[Verse 2]
In plain view, the mistakes we've made

But is there anything you'd really want to change?
To win and lose then win again
To have it all then throw it all away

I'll see you in some other lifetime
On the other side of what we'll never know
Together we have walked a fine line
Now we go to face the universe alone

[Verse 3]
How beautiful the closing down
The fading out, it spins and goes around
With darkness and the heart of man
And here we are back where it all began

I'll see you in some other lifetime
The universe alone
The universe alone

The universe alone

Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Songtext

zu The Universe Alone von Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Lyrics Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Text The Universe Alone Duran Duran The Universe Alone Liedtext
Duran Duran The Universe Alone Letra de The Universe Alone com Duran Duran Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Songtekst Duran Duran - The Universe Alone Tekst
Album: Paper Gods (2015)

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