DUCKWRTH - Had Enough Text

Songtext zu Had Enough

Can't pretend we've had enough
This party ends when we say so
She’s a brown eyed demon from the WestSide
(She tell me, She tell me)
In the nighttime she flies

I bought the drink
She loves the drugs
I plead the 5th, she’s way too much
But I’m like
Ready, Set & go
I played It way too cool

and so professional
Pick it on up
Like a pick up truck
Drop it on me
But it ain’t enough
To fill my cup
Sipping slowly
On Juice & Gin
We play to win
and just when I thought
The night would end
She said

Can't pretend we've had enough
This party ends when we say so
She’s a brown eyed demon from the WestSide
(She tell me, She tell me)
In the nighttime she flies

I’m drowning, thoughts in my head
No X & O’s, you’re just toxic instead
OH! She’s got a tight, grip on my conscious
But that’s my new kink, If I were to be honest
(Ooh and)
No crystal ball can tell us all where this night’s gonna end
I’m mixing drinks and hit the peak when the high is settling in
No limit, she ain’t really got no limit
and if it's in the bank, I spend it
Hold up let me finish one minute one minute

I can feel my heart beat
Deep inside
Every night its
2 shots, 4play
Drowning, time away
(Can’t get enoughnthese nights)
(Just can’t get enough)
(Just can’t get enough)
(These nights just can’t get enough)

Can't pretend we've had enough
(Can’t pretend)
This party ends when we say so
(This party never ends, the party never ends)
She’s a brown eyed demon from the WestSide
(and she keep on telling me that)
In the nighttime she flies

DUCKWRTH - Had Enough Songtext

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