DuckBoy - ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Text

Songtext zu ROUGAROU (i've become the monster)

[Verse 1]
Your pearl white eyes they sting my maroon red
Lets pull back the tide and see if the moon is dead
It sinks in, it sinks in
This bullet's silver kills
I'm thinking I'm linked in
Too much gives you a thrill
Lights out
I'll take my noose off and howl at the sight of your hand in my paws
Your hand in my paws

Fangs out, back hunched
I have all night to hunt

I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
Fangs out, back hunched
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
Night to hunt
All night

[Verse 2]
My head pounds and the moon looks full tonight
I'm hoping that the clouds stay out of fucking sight
One bullet left, poke it in my chest
Why are you frightened?

Fangs out, back hunched
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt

I have all night to hunt
Fangs out, back hunched
I havе all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt

I promise to protеct you
I promise to protect you with my curse
I promise to protect you
I promise to protect you with my curse
I promise to protect you

Fangs out, back hunched
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
Fangs out, back hunched
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt
I have all night to hunt

DuckBoy - ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Songtext

zu ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) von DuckBoy - ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Lyrics DuckBoy - ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Text ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) DuckBoy ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Liedtext
DuckBoy ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) Letra de ROUGAROU (i've become the monster) com DuckBoy
Album: tragic love songs to study to [vol. 5] (2023)

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