Dua Lipa feat. Pierre de Maere - These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) Text

Songtext zu These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix)

Maybe we should switch careers
'Cause, baby, you know no one beats our poker faces
And when the night ends up in tears
Wake up and we blame it all on being wasted

Oh, this love is fadin'
So much we're not sayin'

But if these walls could talk
(They'd say) "Enough"
(They'd say) "Give up"
If these walls could talk
(They'd say) "You know"

(They'd say) "You're fucked"
It's not supposed to hurt this much
Oh, if these walls could talk
They'd tell us to break up

(These walls, these walls)
(These walls) They'd tell us to break up
(These walls, these walls)
(These walls, these walls)

Yeah (Mm)
J'ai tout gâché bien sûr (Ah)
À croire à tes histoires, va et viens chorégraphier (Mm)
Tout oublier (Ah, ah), c'est dans mes habitudes
A croire que ça me charme de nous voir déchirer

Mais encore mon amour, je reviens quand même
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes comme ils font au cinéma
Moi j'entends les beaux jours
Mais jamais ils ne viennent dans tes bras

But if these walls could talk
(They'd say) "Enough"
(They'd say) "Give up" (I know)
Si tu m'aimes encore
(They'd say) "Dis-le"
(They'd say) "Plus fort"
It's not supposed to hurt this much
On s'est donné rendez-vous là-haut
C'est l'éternel rendez-vous

Des amoureux vaincus, mm, ooh
Des amoureux vaincus, mm, ooh
Des amoureux vaincus

C'est fini mon amour
On s'est donné, donné, donné, donné
Ils sont là les beaux jours
On s'est donné, donné

But if these walls could talk
(They'd say) "Enough"
(They'd say) "Give up" (Give it up, give it up)
Si tu m'aimes encore
(They'd say) "Dis-le"
(They'd say) "Plus fort"
It's not supposed to hurt this much
On s'est donné rendez-vous là-haut
C'est l'éternel rendez-vous
Des amoureux vaincus

(These walls, these walls)
(These walls) They'd tell us to break up
(These walls, these walls)
(These walls, these walls)
Des amoureux vaincus

Pierre de Maere & Dua Lipa - These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) Songtext

zu These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) von Dua Lipa - These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) (feat. Pierre de Maere) Lyrics Dua Lipa - These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) (feat. Pierre de Maere) Text Dua Lipa & Pierre de Maere - These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) Tekst piosenki These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) Dua Lipa These Walls (Pierre De Maere Remix) Liedtext
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