Donovan - Season of the Witch Text

Songtext zu Season of the Witch

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
When I look out my window
Many sights to see
And when I look in my window
So many different people to be
That it's strange, so strange

You've got to pick up every stitch
You've got to pick up every stitch
You've got to pick up every stitch
Mm-hmm, must be the season of the witch

Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch

[Verse 2]
When I look over my shoulder
What do you think I see?
Some other cat lookin' over
His shoulder at me
And he's strange, sure is strange

You've got to pick up every stitch
You've got to pick up every stitch, yeah
Beatniks are out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch

[Organ Solo]

You've got to pick up every stitch
The rabbits runnin' in the ditch
Beatniks are out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
When I go

[Verse 3]
When I look out my window
What do you think I see?
And when I look in my window
So many different people to be
It's strange, sure is strange

You've got to pick up every stitch
You've got to pick up every stitch
Two rabbits runnin' in the ditch
Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch, yeah
Must be the season of the witch
When I go, when I go

[Instrumental Outro]

Donovan - Season of the Witch Songtext

zu Season of the Witch von Donovan - Season of the Witch Lyrics Donovan - Season of the Witch Text Season of the Witch Donovan Season of the Witch Liedtext
Donovan Season of the Witch Letra de Season of the Witch com Donovan Donovan - Season of the Witch Songtekst Donovan - Season of the Witch Tekst
Album: Sunshine Superman (1966)

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