DON WEST - Small Change Text

Songtext zu Small Change

[Verse 1]
If money makes your world go 'round
And baby, I got small change
Not enough to take you out

There's a hole in my pocket, it all fell out
'Cause when you moved away and you broke my heart
Now I got money
Got enough to take you out

Don't let this good thing die (No, don't let this good thing die)
You got to keep, keep it alive, alive

[Verse 2]
Baby, you can't buy back that innocence
Baby, it's not a pack of cigarettes

There's a hole in my pocket, there's nothing left
Got your little fingers into it
You must of shared a lot of things you regret
You can't take it back (You can't take it back)

Don't let this good thing die (No, don't let this good thing die)
You got to keep, keep it alive, alive
Don't let this good thing die (No, don't let this good thing die)
You got to keep, keep it alive, alive

DON WEST - Small Change Songtext

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