Die Antwoord - Pokémon Text

Songtext zu Pokémon

Catch me like I'm a Pokémon
You and me it go on and on
I'm lighting you I'm a Pikachu
Try to keep up make me want you to

I'm outta sight
Come try your best
To be my type
If you can reach my fantasy
Then this could be reality


Catch me like I'm a Pokémon
You and me it go on and on
I'm lighting yo I'm a Pikachu
Try to keep up make me want you to

I'm outta sight
Come try your best
To be my type
If you can reach my fantasy
Then this could be reality



[Verse: Ninja]

You like a Pokémon baby you want me to catch you huh?
What you gonna do when I start comin' at you huh?
You very mysterious lady and you exactly my type
Yo I'm gonna get you baby it's just a matter of time
Why you teasing me, you like to drivе me crazy huh?
What's the reason don't you wanna bе my baby huh?
You da lightning I'm da thunder baby we caught in da storm
You hiding from da hunter I see you shorty it's on
I know you like me but for now you just keeping it undercover
Like a balaclava
My love is hot as lava
You into me
Nah uh!
Give it to me baba!
It's not over till its over, uh uh
Ha ha ha

I'm outta sight
Come try your best
To be my type
If you can reach my fantasy
Then this could be reality

Catch me like I'm a Pokémon
You and me it go on and on
I'm lighting yo I'm a Pikachu
Try to keep up make me want you to


Catch me
Catch me
Catch me
Catch me


Catch me
Catch me

I choose you

I'm outta sight
Come try your best
To be my type
If you can reach my fantasy
Then this could be reality
This could be reality
This could be reality
This could be reality
This could be
This could be Reality

Catch me like I'm a Pokémon
You and me it go on and on
I'm lighting yo I'm a Pikachu
Try to keep up make me want you too


Die Antwoord - Pokémon Songtext

zu Pokémon von Die Antwoord - Pokémon Lyrics Die Antwoord - Pokémon Text Die Antwoord - Pokémon Tekst piosenki Pokémon Die Antwoord Pokémon Liedtext
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