Dermot Kennedy - Glory Text

Songtext zu Glory

[Verse 1]
For all the moments never known
'Cause he stepped off of the tallest sail
For all the love he'd left below in the waves
He made his peace with letting go
Said some things he'd never dared to say
The one the lighthouse left alone, never saved

'Til set of eyes had pinned him
Became his version of a kingdom
Now I know they'll never hunt me


When she's singing to me, "Glory"
(And a hopeful rhythm woke within him)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
(Had some letters written, 'course she's in 'em)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
(Tried to tell her, her throat wasn't in it)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
I was only ever thinking 'bout you, you know
She's singing to me, "Glory"

[Verse 2]
They found a letter that he wrote
He said, "It's best off if we burn the page"
I wrote it very long ago in different days
I guess I'm tired of talk of hope
I've learned that doves and ravens fly the same (Fly the same)
But suddenly she's all I know, an old refrain

A set of eyes had pinned him

Became his version of a kingdom
Now I know they'll never hunt me

When she's singing to me, "Glory"
(And a hopeful rhythm woke within him)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
(Had some letters written, 'course she's in 'em)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
(Tried to tell her, her throat was linen)
She's singing to me, "Glory"
I was only ever thinking 'bout you, you know
She's singing to me, "Glory," oh
Oh (Glory)
I was only ever thinking 'bout you, you know
Singing to me, "Glory"

A set of eyes had pinned him
Became his version of a kingdom
She's everything the devil can't be
When she's singing to me, "Glory"
A set of eyes had pinned him
Became his version of a kingdom
She's everything the devil can't be
When she's singing to me, "Glory"

(Glory, glory, oh)
She's singing to me, "Glory", no
Singing to me, "Glory"

Dermot Kennedy - Glory Songtext

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Album: Dermot Kennedy (2019)

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