Demi Lovato & Sam Fischer - What Other People Say TEXT

What Other People Say
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Songtext zu What Other People Say

[Verse 1]
Thought when I grew up
I would be the same as the ones who gave me my last name
I would not give in, I would not partake
In the same old drugs everyone else takes

I'm better than that, I'm better than that
I'm living my life so I go to heaven and never come back
But look where I'm at, look where I'm at
I'm living the life that I said I wouldn't, I wanna go back


I used to call my mom every Sunday
So she knew her love wasn't far away
But now I'm all fucked up out in LA
'Cause I care more about what other people say
I used to not take chances with God's name
But it's been so long since I last prayed
But now I'm all fucked up and my heart's changed
'Cause I care more about what other people say
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause I care more about what other people say

[Verse 2]
I wish I could shelter the girl I knew
From the constant hell I put her through
'Cause I'm all grown up and I'm black and blue
I could use some tape, I could use some glue

I'm better than that, I'm better than that

I should be living my life so I go to heaven and never come back

I used to call my mom every Sunday
So she knew her love wasn't far away
But now I'm all fucked up out in LA
'Cause I care more about what other people say
I used to not take chances with God's name
But it's been so long since I last prayed
And now I'm all fucked up and my heart's changed
'Cause I care more about what other people say
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause I care more about what other people say

Thought when I grew up
I would be the same as the ones who gave me my last name

I used to call my mom every Sunday
So she knew her love wasn't far away
(Far away)
But now I'm all fucked up out in LA
(Out in LA)
'Cause I care more about what other people say
I used to not take chances with God's name
(God's name)
But it's been so long since I last prayed
(Since I last prayed)
But now I'm all fucked up and my heart's changed
(And my heart changed)
'Cause I care more about what other people say
(What other people say)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Cause I care more about what other people say

Demi Lovato & Sam Fischer - What Other People Say Songtext

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