Deep Purple - Burn Text

Songtext zu Burn

[Verse 1 - David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes]
The sky is red, I don't understand
Past midnight I still see the land
People are saying the woman is damned
She makes you burn with a wave of her hand
The city's ablaze, the town's on fire
The woman's flames are reaching higher
We were fools, we called her a liar
All I hear is

[Verse 2 - David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes]
I didn't believe she was the devil's sperm
She said, "Curse you all, you'll never learn"

"When I leave there's no return"
The people laughed till she said, "Burn!"
Warning came, no one cared
Earth was shaking, we stood and stared
When it came no one was spared
Still I hear

[Bridge - Glenn Hughes]
You know we had no time
We could not even try
You know we had no time

[Instrumental Break: guitars 02:08-03:38]

[Bridge - Glenn Hughes]
You know we had no time
We could not even try
You know we had no time

[Instrumental Break: keyboards 03:56-05:02]

[Verse 3 - David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes]
The sky is red, I don't understand
Past midnight I still see the land
People are saying the woman is damned
She makes you burn with a wave of her hand
Warning came, no one cared
Earth was shaking, we stood and stared
When it came no one was spared
Still I hear

[Instrumental Outro]

Deep Purple - Burn Songtext

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Album: Burn (1974)

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