Declan McKenna - That's Life Text

Songtext zu That's Life

I really wanna party tonight
That's life

That's life
And right from the birth
Donny was primed to catch the worm
That's right, you'll learn
That's life
And it only gets worse
The harder you try
That's life
That's why it works

When they blame it on your teenage mind
If you really wanna know how it works
Get in line
That's life
That's right you'll learn
Before I turn you into angel delight
Mix it up and call it dessert
Before we eat you at the party tonight
That's life
That's how it works

That's life
And then for dessert
You'll live a lie then crash and burn
It's fine you'll learn
That's life
And it ain't gonna change
The harder you try
That's life
That's why it hurts

And that's why it works

When they say don't hurt your innocent mind
You really outta know how it works
Get in line
That's life
That's right you'll learn
Before I turn you into angel delight
Mix it up and call it dessert
Before we sneak into the party tonight
That's life
That's how it works

That's life
That's how it works

And I really wanna party tonight
And I really wanna party tonight

Declan McKenna - That's Life Songtext

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