Dead Horse Beats - Body English Text

Songtext zu Body English

Another evening gone ignoring chatter
Intervening thoughts when you know that it's bad for you
I can’t feel your love and you know that I'd rather
Tryna keep it up mind over matter yeah
What a healing thought: my kind of dreaming
Have you even thought: who are you appealing to?
Why even call? Belief in breathing?
When we forgot that kind of feeling too?

If these hands could talk oh what a story
But they're clamming up when you’re before me
That's a major flaw, another category
Gonna fade me out, but tell me one thing before you do
Did you mean it all or were you climbing closer?

Is the feeling gone when any time now is overdue?
Did the ceiling fall with no one to toast to?
It's a speaking role, so tell me what I'm supposed to do

Dead Horse Beats - Body English Songtext

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Album: Inglaterra (2019)

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