Davina Michelle - I Won't Let Go Text

Songtext zu I Won't Let Go

In hindsight
You were never mine
I see it in your iris
Blue like Billie's ocean eyes

It's nature
We built a nest of hatred
We got so estranged oh
Ruined by the paradise

But it is what it is
If this is what you want I'll be gone
We can fight, we can kiss

But I will never be the woman you love

So baby I'm
I'm gone before you know it
Slam the door but leave it open
If you ever feel alone please know
I am leaving but I won't let go
I'm gone before you know it
Set you free because you own me
If you ever need a hand to hold
Know I'm leaving but I won't let go
No I won't let go

I'm pacing
Searching for replacement
It's a walk of shame though
No one seems to match your vibe
I hate you
Yet I crave you
Just like alcohol

I drink to ease my mind

But it is what it is
If this is what you want I'll be gone
We can fight, we can kiss
But I will never be the woman you love

So baby I'm
I'm gone before you know it
Slam the door but leave it open
If you ever feel alone please know
I am leaving but I won't let go
I'm gone before you know it
Set you free because you own me
If you ever need a hand to hold
Know I'm leaving but I won't let go
No I won't let go

Davina Michelle - I Won't Let Go Songtext

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