David Hasselhoff ft. Blümchen - Summer Go Away Text

Songtext zu Summer Go Away

(You made the summer go away, yeah)

I can hear the raindrops on my window pain
(Got a guilty conscience)
And my thoughts are driving me insane
I have a cold, cold, cold feeling
Things will never be the same
I'm lonely and I'm frozen
'Cause you're gone
You're gone

You made the summer go away (yeah)
You made the summer go away too soon

And baby now my heart feels hollow deep inside
Like an empty room
You made the summer go away
And now I'm wishing for the sunshine every day
But there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can say
You made the summer go away

I can hear the snowman banging on my door
(I can tell he's angry)
From the cold breeze on my wooden floor
I got a bad, bad, bad feeling
Winter stays for good this time
I'm lonely and I'm frozen
'Cause you're gone
You're gone

You made the summer go away, yeah
You made the summer go away too soon
And baby now my heart feels hollow deep inside

Like an empty room
You made the summer go away
And now I'm wishing for the sunshine every day
But there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can say
You made the summer go away

Why did I have to give in to temptation?
Should've run, not engage conversation
I was lost, I was wrong, I was stupid
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time

You made the summer go away
You made the summer go away too soon
And baby now my heart feels hollow deep inside
Like an empty room
You made the summer go away
And now I'm wishing for the sunshine every day
But there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can say
You made the summer go away

You made the summer go away
You made the summer go away too soon
And baby now my heart feels hollow deep inside
Like an empty room
You made the summer go away
And now I'm wishing for the sunshine every day
But there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can say
You made the summer go away

You made the summer go away
You made the summer go away too soon
And baby now my heart feels hollow deep inside
Like an empty room
You made the summer go away
And now I'm wishing for the sunshine every day
But there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can say
You made the summer go away

There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
Baby, you made the summer go away

David Hasselhoff - Summer Go Away Songtext

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