David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Text

Songtext zu Crazy for You

You - you can say hello to tenderness
I - I can say goodbye to emptiness
We - we will live in happiness
You and I were made for each other
You - you will walk the shores of wonderland
I - I will write "I love you" in the sand
We - we will wander hand in hand
Ev'rybody knows we love each other

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

You - you have made a dream reality
I - I can feel your love surrounding me
We - we will be in ecstasy
You and I were made for each other
You - you will give me love I've never had
I - I will never make you sad
We - we will face the good and bad
Ev'rybody knows we love each other

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

You - you can touch a rainbow in the sky
I - I will feel as though I've learnt to fly
We - we can kiss the past goodbye
You and I were made for each other
You - you have found what you've been searching for

I - I will never hurt you that's for sure
We - we will care for evermore
Ev'rybody knows we love each other

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
You and I belong together, like the sand and sea
I'm crazy for you, you're crazy for me
I will be forever crazy for you

David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Songtext

zu Crazy for You von David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Lyrics David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Text Crazy for You David Hasselhoff Crazy for You Liedtext
David Hasselhoff Crazy for You Letra de Crazy for You com David Hasselhoff David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Songtekst David Hasselhoff - Crazy for You Tekst
Album: Crazy for You (1990)

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