Songtext zu Through To Myself
Three tower blocks glinting in the midday sun
Two ice cubes melting in a glass of white rum
Head for the places that I've never gone
(I can't get through to myself)
(Just can't get through to myself)
Eight beggers choking on a slice of red pie
Two rivers freezing in a broken goodbye
No hesitation, just a kick in the eye
(I can't get through to myself)
(Just can't get through to myself)
And we do alot of learning everyday
Or so it seems but the road it keeps turning
And i'm right back here again
Blue leather jacket and a helium voice
(I can't get through to myself)
My head is reeling from too much choice
(I can't get through to myself)
I can't get through to myself
Just can't get through to myself...
David Gray - Through To Myself Songtext
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