David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Text

Songtext zu Plus & Minus

[Verse 1]
You know the way desire is
Always wanting something that it just can't have
Turning love's picture to the wall
Next moment there's no turning back
The following report may contain scenes
That some might find upsetting
Look at me, read what's written here
This whole routine is getting old
(Is getting old)

You know the way the light is
Always painting someone else's windows gold

Fate sends a bottle spinning 'round
Eyes steal a glance that stops you cold

[Verse 2]
Remind me why we'rе doing this
You know it's silly, but I keep forgetting
Darling, from where I'm sitting, hеy
This whole routine is getting old
It's getting old

So for the fire that gets lit
Ooh (Yeah)
And for the flame that regrets it

As you were then plus and minus
Sailing by like ocean liners
Do you hear me, boy? (It's getting old)

Stare into the dim and distant
Where it used to be so different
Do you feel me, boy? (It's getting old)

You can give a man everything he wants
Sit back and watch him disappear it, boy

[Verse 3]
Now you know the way that time is
Stretching out then like a circle turning 'round
Suddenly, that circle is a sun
That's blushing red and sinking down
The following report may contain scenes
That some might find upsetting
Look at me read what's written here
This whole routine is getting (Old)

And for the fire that gets lit
Ooh (Yeah)
And for the flame that regrets it

It's getting old, it's getting old
(Do you hear me, boy?)
It's getting old (Yeah)
It's getting old (Yeah)
Yeah, it's getting old (Yeah)
It's getting old (Yeah)

(You can give a man everything he wants)
(Sit back and watch him)
Well, it's getting old (Yeah), it's getting old
You can give a man everything he wants (Yeah, yeah)
(Sit back and watch him) Disappear it, boy

You know this whole routine is getting old
It's getting old
Getting old

David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Songtext

zu Plus & Minus von David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Lyrics David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Text David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Tekst piosenki Plus & Minus David Gray feat. Talia Rae Plus & Minus Liedtext
David Gray feat. Talia Rae Plus & Minus Letra de Plus & Minus com David Gray feat. Talia Rae David Gray feat. Talia Rae - Plus & Minus Songtekst
Album: Dear Life (2025)

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