Dave Matthews Band - Monsters Text

Songtext zu Monsters

[Verse 1]
Broke gold toy soldiers lined up 1, 2, 3
Little kid and every thing I did just to save my paper queen

'Cause love won't let me go
No army's gonna save my soul
'Cause love won't let me go

Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath the bed
Just the monsters in your head

[Verse 2]
I hear strange voices every step I take
No, you can't cross the ocean if you can't get past the break

Even if fear don't put you down
Oh, won't you lean on me while I'm around

No rope to hang the dead
No line to save the drowning man
Just the monsters in your head

Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath the bed
Just the monsters in your head

Killer's eyes and painted faces

The Devil wants your soul, but Jesus saves
Traffic jam is an angry maze
The Devil wants your soul, but Jesus saves

[Verse 3]
Chutes and Ladders, pick-up sticks
Counting cars and counting bricks
Driving past the ole five-and-dime
Can't get nothin' for a nickel since a long, long time

I won't let you down

Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath your bed
Just the monsters in your head

No rope to hang the dead
No line to save the drowning man
Just the monsters in your head

Love won't let you go
Love won't let you go

Dave Matthews Band - Monsters Songtext

zu Monsters von Dave Matthews Band - Monsters Lyrics Dave Matthews Band - Monsters Text Monsters Dave Matthews Band Monsters Liedtext
Dave Matthews Band Monsters Letra de Monsters com Dave Matthews Band
Album: Walk Around The Moon (2023) Album: Walk Around The Moon (2023)

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