Dasha - Bye Bye Bye Text

Songtext zu Bye Bye Bye

One, two, three, four
Mm, ooh

[Verse 1]
So why'd I have to walk outside
And watch your green eyes catch the light?
I never touched a cigarette
But I bummed a smoke, said, "How you been?"
And talked until the sun was high

[Verse 2]
Ooh, I coulda run, you shoulda left

But my common sense ain't at its best
You're a walking talking pretty lie
And I can't learn this lesson twice
But you're not giving up quite yet

Oh, 'cause here we go, you're back again
Where less than love is more than friends
And, oh, I gotta go

So I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
I might die if I
Try and love you any harder
And I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
Man, I tried, but I
I can't love you any longer

[Verse 3]
Ooh, I rode my high down to my lows

Got lost here on a one-way road
And I haven't smoked since we met
But I still reek of cigarettes
Tryna get you out my clothes

Oh, 'cause here we go, you're back again
Where less than love is more than friends
And, oh, I gotta go

So I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
I might die if I
Try and love you any harder
And I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
Man, I tried, but I
I can't love you any longer

And I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
Bye, bye, bye, ooh
Bye, bye, bye, ooh
And I said, "Bye, bye, bye"
Bye, bye, bye, ooh
Bye, bye, bye, ooh
Bye, bye, bye
Bye, bye, bye

Dasha - Bye Bye Bye Songtext

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