Darren Kiely - Late Texts Text

Songtext zu Late Texts

Sometimes I wish that I could close your tired eyes
That are hanging by a rope of compromise
You shouldn't have to hold

Your desires are running off the page
There's so much more I wish that I could save
You're all I want, but a thousand miles away

Late texts, you're checking your phone
New state, I've never been here before
Please wait for me
Oh, I hate the way you have to leave the light on when I leave

If it gets too much and you can't bear the weight
Just let me go before you start to break
It's not your fault, it's me who couldn't stay
‘Cause I'm the one to blame

Late texts, you're checking your phone
New state, I've never been here before
Please wait for me
Oh, I hate the way you have to leave the light on when I leave

Cold sweats, keeping a gun by the bed
No headrest, I know that I should be it
Be brave for me
Oh, I hate the way you have to leave the light on when I leave

I should give you
I know that I should give you
I know that I should give you up
I know that what I'm giving
I know that what I'm giving

I know that it's so far from enough

Late texts, you're checking your phone
New state, I've never been here before
Don't wait for me
‘Cause I hate the way you have to leave the light on when I leave

Cold sweats, keeping a gun by the bed
No headrest, I know that I should be it
Be brave for me
Oh, I hate the way you have to leave the light on when I leave

When I leave
When I leave
Oh, I hate the way you have to leave the light on

Darren Kiely - Late Texts Songtext

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