Daniel Seavey - Can We Pretend That We're Good Text

Songtext zu Can We Pretend That We're Good

[Verse 1]
Told you that I didn't love you
Didn't wanna, but I had to, oh, oh, oh
I know you don't wanna see me
But what if I got down on my knees? Oh, oh, oh

If not, then I don't mind if I die
'Cause I'll never find another you

Oh, my darling, can we pretend that we're good?
Just for the night 'til the morning

I'd take it back if I could
If you wanna, baby, take it out on my body
Can we pretend that we're good?
Just for the night 'til the morning
I'd take it back if I could
'Cause I'll never find another you

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 2]
Please, don't make me have to say please
I know that you're just as lonely, oh, oh, oh
I'll tell you something that I don't mean
Baby, pleasе, don't ever leavе me, oh, oh, oh

If not, then I don't mind if I die
'Cause I'll never find another you


Oh, my darling, can we pretend that we're good?
Just for the night 'til the morning
I'd take it back if I could
If you wanna, baby, take it out on my body
Can we pretend that we're good?
Just for the night 'til the morning
I'd take it back if I could
'Cause I'll never find another you

Daniel Seavey - Can We Pretend That We're Good Songtext

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