Daniel Schulz - Love Me Bad Text

Songtext zu Love Me Bad

[Verse 1]
Say you wanna go far from me
I've been wondering how far

But when I need a little company
No you never did

Yeah we could be golden
If only we'd work both ways
Some nights you say you need me
Some nights you just don't know

Ay, ay

I'm in the car
Yeah, I'm on my way
Tryna tell myself
It's the last time

You just don't give
Like you used to
Go, like you used to
Feel, like you used to

You know when the night turns black, baby
I'm gonna come right back for it
I'd let you love me bad (Oh)
Love me bad (Oh)

Even though you're driving me mad, baby
I'm gonna come right back for it
I'd let you love mе bad (Oh)

Love me bad (Oh)

Love mе bad
Love me bad
Love me bad, baby

Love me bad
Love me bad
Love me bad, baby

[Verse 2]
You really got a hold on me
I'm wrapped around your fingers
And every time I hear my cellphone ring
I hope to see your name

Cuz you can't be lonely
You're playing me like one of your games
And you play me nice and easy
Cuz you know I can't say no

Ay, ay
I'm in the car
Yeah, I'm on my way
Tryna tell myself
It's the last time

You just don't give
Like you used to
Go, like you used to
Feel, like you used to

You know when the night turns black, baby
I'm gonna come right back for it
I'd let you love me bad (Oh)
Love me bad (Oh)

Even though you're driving me mad, baby
I'm gonna come right back for it
I'd let you love me bad (Oh)
Love me bad (Oh)

Love me bad
Love me bad
Love me bad, baby

Love me bad
Love me bad
Love me bad, baby

You know when the night turns black, baby
I'm gonna come right back for it
I'd let you love me bad (Oh yeah)
Love me bad

Daniel Schulz - Love Me Bad Songtext

zu Love Me Bad von Daniel Schulz - Love Me Bad Lyrics Daniel Schulz - Love Me Bad Text Love Me Bad Daniel Schulz Love Me Bad Liedtext
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Album: Someone Send This To My Mom (2023)

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