d4vd - The Bridge Text

Songtext zu The Bridge

Over water, there's a bridge, and I can't seem to get to you
The fear of a loss, what I always succumb to
The way, that I feel, I can't capture it all
Like the waves that I sink in, when you tell me that I'm not

Enough, shut up, cause I'd kill myself for you
Walk, in the dark, can't find my way to you
Gone, gave it all, and it's all my fault
That I chose to keep holdin' on to the love you threw away
But I'd stay, just to see you make it
I'm stuck in my ways, oh, you know I'm not fakin'
You thought I was simple so you got complicated

Don't you get complicated, that's the reason that we separate

The water rising faster, now before and after
Climbin' up the laddеr, screamin' at me louder
To lеt it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, ah-oh
To let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, ah-oh

Over water, there's a bridge, and I can't seem to get to you
The fear of a loss, what I always succumb to
The way, that I feel, I can't capture it all
Like the waves that I sink in, when you tell me that I'm not

Enough, shut up, cause I'd kill myself for you
War, in the dark, I can't find my way to you
Gone, gave it all, and it's all my fault
That I chose to keep holdin' to the love you threw away

But I'd stay, just to see you make it
I'm stuck in my ways, oh, you know I'm not fakin'
You thought I was simple so you got complicated
Don't you get complicated, that's the reason that we separate

d4vd - The Bridge Songtext

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Album: Petals To Thorns - EP (2023)

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