CRIMER - Sportscar Text

Songtext zu Sportscar

I could make my case
By the way you chase
Just as soon as I left the matinee

At the hush of night
Out my window's eye
You were floating in the fog up my street

But don't you hold back
Now I know how it feels
(how it feels)

If it's not a crime
Maybe I could lie

Just to give your heart the relief
You can change your hair
Baby I don't care
I don't think I'd notice a thing

Through the spit and spritz
Driving through the drip
I couldn't help but check my backseat

But you crashed my car
So I couldn't get very far
But you know I still showed a clean pair of heels

But don't you hold back
Now I know how it feels
(how it feels)

If it's not a crime
Maybe I could lie

Just to give your heart the relief
You can change your hair
Baby I don't care
I don't think I'd notice a thing

Don't you hold back
Now I know how it feels
Don't you hold back
Now I know how it feels

Yeah, I know how it feels
I know how it feels
Oh, I know how it feels
I know how it feels
I know how it feels

Ça va aller...
On est bien, non? Allez...
Regarde mes cheveux
Je t'aime
Reste ici
Viens me voir
On est bien, non?
Ça va?)

If it's not a crime
Maybe I could lie
Just to give your heart the relief
You can change your hair
Baby I don't care
I don't think I'd notice a thing

Ça irait
Je m'occupe de toi
Prends-le, doucement
Allez, ça va aller
Reste ici, je t'en supplie

CRIMER - Sportscar Songtext

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