Creedence Clearwater Revival - Down On the Corner TEXT

Down On the Corner
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Songtext zu Down On the Corner

Early in the evenin' just about supper time,
Over by the courthouse they're starting to unwind.
Four kids on the corner trying to bring you up.
Willy picks a tune out and he blows it on the harp.

Down on the corner, out in the street
Willy and the Poorboys are playin'
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

Rooster hits the washboard and people just got to smile,
Blinky, thumps the gut bass and solos for a while.
Poorboy twangs the rhythm out on his kalamazoo.
Willy goes into a dance and doubles on kazoo.

Down on the corner, out in the street
Willy and the Poorboys are playin'
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

Down on the corner, out in the street,
Willy and the Poorboys are playin'
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

You don't need a penny just to hang around,
But if you've got a nickel, won't you lay your money down?
Over on the corner there's a happy noise.
People come from all around to watch the magic boy.

Down on the corner, out in the street,
Willy and the Poorboys are playin';
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

Down on the corner, out in the street
Willy and the Poorboys are playin'
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

Down on the corner, out in the street
Willy and the Poorboys are playin'
Bring a nickel; tap your feet.

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Down on the Corner Songtext

zu Down on the Corner von Creedence Clearwater Revival - Down on the Corner Lyrics Creedence Clearwater Revival - Down on the Corner Text Down on the Corner Creedence Clearwater Revival Down on the Corner Liedtext
Creedence Clearwater Revival Down On the Corner Letra de Down On the Corner com Creedence Clearwater Revival
Album: Willy and the Poor Boys (1969)

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