Cory Marks feat. Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] - (Make My) Country Rock Text

Songtext zu (Make My) Country Rock

[Verse 1]
I've been known to piss some people off
From the Sunset strip to small town honky tonks
I've been behind both kinds of bars
I broke some hearts and crashed some cars
I'm on the edge but I'll always walk the line

A little bit of smoke, a whole lot of whiskey
A little down home, a little bit gypsy
It's a rocky road but it's the one I chose
So roll on, roll on
A whole lot of hell, a little bit of heaven
They can ring the bell, I'ma keep swinging

Always have, ain't ever gonna stop
I'm gonna make my country rock
I'm gonna make my country rock

[Verse 2]
I've been known to take things way too far
Don't tell me how to play this damn guitar
I've partied with both kinds of stars
Around the world to my backyard
Out on the edge until the day I die

A little bit of smoke, a whole lot of whiskey
A little down home, a little bit gypsy
It's a rocky road but it's the one I chose
So roll on, roll on
A whole lot of hell, a little bit of heaven
They can ring the bell, but I'ma keep swinging
Always have, ain't ever gonna stop
I'm gonna make my country rock

I'm gonna make my country rock
Yeah, yeah, yeah


[Outro Chorus]
A whole lotta smoke, a whole lot of whiskey
It's a rocky road but it's the one I chose
So roll on, roll on
A whole lot of hell, a little bit of heaven
They can ring the bell, I'ma keep swinging
Always have, ain't ever gonna stop
I'm gonna make my country rock
I'm gonna make my country rock
(I'm gonna make my country rock)
I'm gonna make my country rock

Cory Marks und Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] - (Make My) Country Rock Songtext

zu (Make My) Country Rock von Cory Marks - Country Rock Lyrics Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] & Cory Marks - (Make My) Country Rock Text (Make My) Country Rock Cory Marks (Make My) Country Rock Liedtext
Cory Marks feat. Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] (Make My) Country Rock Letra de (Make My) Country Rock com Cory Marks feat. Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] Cory Marks feat. Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] - (Make My) Country Rock Songtekst Cory Marks - (Make My) Country Rock [feat. Travis Tritt, Mick Mars & Sully Erna] Tekst

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