Songtext zu Roll Northumbria
[Verse 1]'Twas late '65, at the old Wallsea Yard
She was commissioned to haul the black tar
Built the Northumbria there on the bar
Roll Northumbria, roll
For when the Egyptians, they closed the Red Sea
A call came on high from the powers that be
To build a royal monster right down the key
Roll Northumbria roll, me boys
Roll Northumbria, roll
[Verse 2]
Carpathia, Vengeance, Celestial call
She was the tanker to outsize 'em all
From the banks of the Mersey, to the port of Hulal
Roll Northumbria, roll
And fair princess Anne thrеw a bottle of wine
And watched as thе giant set down in the Tyne
What lay ahead could no mortal divine
Roll Northumbria roll, me boys
Roll Northumbria, roll
And it's one for the hot sun above
Two for the empire we love
And it's three for the fire that burns down below
Roll on Northumbria
Roll Northumbria, roll
[Verse 3]
So come all you good workman, beware the command
It comes down on high from the desk of a man
Who's never held steel or torch in his hands
Roll Northumbria, roll
For atop a wild breaker, the cracks in her frame
Spilled her black guts all across the wild main
She limped away through an ocean of flame
Roll Northumbria roll, me boys
Roll Northumbria, roll
And it's one for the hot sun above
Two for the empire we love
And it's three for the fire that burns down below
Roll on Northumbria
Roll Northumbria, roll
Colm R McGuinness - Roll Northumbria Songtext
zu Roll Northumbria von Colm R McGuinness - Roll Northumbria Lyrics Colm R McGuinness - Roll Northumbria Text Roll Northumbria Colm R McGuinness Roll Northumbria LiedtextColm R McGuinness Roll Northumbria Letra de Roll Northumbria com Colm R McGuinness Colm R McGuinness - Roll Northumbria Tekst Roll Northumbria - The Dreadnoughts (SEA SHANTY) Cover
Album: The Colm Before The Storm (2023)
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