Coldplay - Man in The Moon Text

Songtext zu Man in The Moon

[Verse 1]
We were born to be
Young and free
Soon we started learning
Books are made for burning
We were born to be
Take my uniform, I'm
Running to the sea

When I hear you sing from across the wall
See the moonlight shine on the waterfall

When you call (When you call)
Out my name (Out my name)
That's how I know that we cry the same tears
And we feel the same pain
When you call (When you call)
Out my name (Out my name)
Oh, now I know that we share the same sun
And wе sing in the same rain, hey
Hеllo on your crescent
Man in the moon

[Verse 2]
We were born to be
A cherry tree
Has blossomed and it's snowin'
Upon my enemy


And what if all those lines aren't lines at all?
Keep the devil big to keep the people small

When you call (When you call)
Out my name (Out my name)
That's how I know that we cry the same tears
And we feel the same pain
When you call (When you call)
Out my name (Out my name)
Oh, now I know that we share the same sun
And we sing in the same rain, sayin'
Hello on your crescent
Man in the moon

Oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Hello on your crescent
Man in the moon
Oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Hello on your crescent
Man in the moon

Oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh

Coldplay - Man in The Moon Songtext

zu Man in The Moon von Coldplay - Man in The Moon Lyrics Coldplay - Man in The Moon Text Man in The Moon Coldplay Man in The Moon Liedtext
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Album: Moon Music (Full Moon Edition) (2024)

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