Coldplay - ​iAAM Text

Songtext zu ​iAAM

[Verse 1]
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
I got this feeling and I think I'm seeing thunderbolts
I got this feeling that I'm turnin' into someone new
I got this feeling that the ceiling is for bursting through

I got this feeling and now nothing is frightening
I got this feeling I can summon up lightning
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
But here it goes

Stood on a sea of pain

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain

[Verse 2]
I'm really sorry for some things I said along the way
I really love you, I just didn't like myself that day

I got this feeling I can summon up lightning
I got this feeling I was falling, now I'm flying
I got this feeling and just what it is, God only knows
So here it goes

Stood on a sea of pain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain

Everyone taking aim
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
I'll be back on my feet again
'Cause I am a mountain

(Back on my feet again
I am a mountain)

Everyone taking aim
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
My love for you will remain
'Cause I am a mountain

Coldplay - ​iAAM Songtext

zu ​iAAM von Coldplay - ​iAAM Lyrics Coldplay - ​iAAM Text ​iAAM Coldplay ​iAAM Liedtext
Coldplay ​iAAM Letra de ​iAAM com Coldplay
Album: Moon Music (Notebook Edition) (2024)

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