Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE Text

Songtext zu ALL MY LOVE

[Verse 1]
We've been through low
Been through sunshine, been through snow
All the colours of the weather
We've been through high
Every corner of the sky
And still we're holding on together

You got all my love
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You've got all my love

[Verse 2]
And till I die
Let me hold you if you cry
Be my one, two, three, forever

'Cause you got all my love
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
You've got all my love
Whether it rains, it remains
You'vе got all my love

La-la, la-la, la, lay
Whether it rains or pours, I'm all yours
La-la, la-la, la, lay
That's all, all I can say

[Guitar Solo]

Ooh, you got all my lovе
Oh, for now and always, till the end of my days
You got all my love
You've got all my love

Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE Songtext

zu ALL MY LOVE von Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE Lyrics Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE Text ALL MY LOVE Coldplay ALL MY LOVE Liedtext
Coldplay ALL MY LOVE Letra de ALL MY LOVE com Coldplay
Album: Moon Music (Notebook Edition) (2024)

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