Coldplay - AETERNA Text

Songtext zu AETERNA

[Verse 1]
And for the life of me
I couldn't decide just what it could be
Eyes so hypnotised
'Cause when you look at me
There's something inside hallucinatory
I took my soul to heaven

This must be bliss
Must be for this I exist
'Cause I always, I always
I always want to feel like this
Oh, this must be bliss

This extraordinariness
And I always, I always
I always want to feel like this

[Verse 2]
All together now, you feel it flow
You feel it flow
And we're all together now, so
Fall together now, you feel it flow
You feel it flow
And we're all together now, oh

This must be bliss
Must be for this I exist
'Cause I always, I always
I always want to feel like this
Oh, this must be bliss
This extraordinariness

And I always, I always
I always wanna feel like this

Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe
Wena ngiyakuthanda whe

Coldplay - AETERNA Songtext

zu AETERNA von Coldplay - AETERNA Lyrics Coldplay - AETERNA Text AETERNA Coldplay AETERNA Liedtext
Coldplay AETERNA Letra de AETERNA com Coldplay
Album: Moon Music (Notebook Edition) (2024)

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