ClockClock - Sorry TEXT

Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Sorry

Baby I’m sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I'm sorry to remind you of somebody who didn't know how to treat ya, uh
Baby I'm sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I know you're terrified that I'm somebody only coming to leave ya, uh

[Verse 1]
God damn you’re like an angel
There's a halo in your eyes
And a story that you hide
Somebody’s been unfaitful
There’s something in your smile

Like you’re crying in disguise
I’m walking on a tight rope
Cause everything I do
Might open up a wound
But baby I got high hopes
I could cover that bruise
If you let me love you

Baby I’m sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I'm sorry to remind you of somebody who didn't know how to treat ya, uh
Baby I'm sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I know you're terrified that I'm somеbody only coming to leave ya, uh

[Verse 2]
This is not what I imagined
I was hoping wе could be
More than just a memory

We were never meant to happen
We were somewhere in-between
Cause of someone who ain't here
I’m walking on a tight rope
Cause everything I do
Might open up a wound
But baby I got high hopes
I could cover that bruise
If you let me love you

Baby I’m sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I'm sorry to remind you of somebody who didn't know how to treat ya, uh
Baby I'm sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I know you're terrified that I'm somebody only coming to leave ya, uh

How do I deserve this
How do I reverse it
Even though you know I don't do you wrong
How do I deserve this
I know what the curse is:
Tell me why do hurt people hurt someone?

Baby I’m sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I'm sorry to remind you of somebody who didn't know how to treat ya, uh
Baby I'm sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I know you're terrified that I'm somebody only coming to leave ya, uh

Baby I’m sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I'm sorry to remind you of somebody who didn't know how to treat ya, uh
Baby I'm sorry
I'm sorry to meet ya
I know you're terrified that I'm somebody only coming to leave ya, uh

ClockClock - Sorry Songtext

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