ClockClock - Someday Soon Text

Songtext zu Someday Soon

[Verse 1]
I've been gazing at the ceiling
It's just me and all my demons
I've forgotten how to sleep anymore
Now it's three days 'till the weekend
I'm already fallin' [?] deep in
It feels like we've been here before

When you call my name like a holy ghost, oh-ohh
When you saddle me and you take control, oh-ohh
When you break my heart, leave it out to bleed, oh-ohh
I don't wanna feel a fucking thing

'Cause baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in this hotel room
Waiting like a fool
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it
Just because I know
That baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in the mеlancholic mood
Staring at the moon
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it, no
Oh, I don't wanna feel a fucking thing

When you say my name, whеn you say my name
Don't wanna feel a thing, don't wanna feel a thing
When you say my name, when you say my name

[Verse 2]
All my friends tell me to focus
That my fantasies are hopeless
But it seems like I'm in love with the pain
Now all I'm left with is a sweater
And your shit all on my dresser
How am I supposed to smoke you away?

When you call my name like a holy ghost, oh-ohh
When you saddle me and you take control, oh-ohh
When you break my heart, leave it out to bleed, oh-ohh
I don't wanna feel a fucking thing

Baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in this hotel room
Waiting like a fool
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it
Just because I know
That baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in the melancholic mood
Staring at the moon
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it, no
Oh, I don't wanna feel a fucking thing

When you say my name, when you say my name
Don't wanna feel a thing, wanna feel a thing
When you say my name, when you say my name

'Cause baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in this hotel room
Waiting like a fool
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it, no
You know, you know

Baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in this hotel room
Waiting like a fool
But I don't wanna talk about it, wanna talk about it
Just because I know
That baby someday soon
I'll get over you
I'm in the melancholic mood
Staring at the moon
But I don't wanna talk about it, don't wanna talk about it, no
Oh, I don't wanna feel a fucking thing

ClockClock - Someday Soon Songtext

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