Claudia Emmanuela Santoso feat. Alice Merton - Goodbye Text

Songtext zu Goodbye

[Verse 1]
You were always in my life
Always making me stronger
Told me fear was in their mind
When I felt there was danger

Do you know that it hurts so much?
When I think about the things we used to do
Do you know that it hurts so much?
That almost 1000 miles from you, from you
So I want you to know

I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

[Verse 2]
Used to hold me in your arms
Like a child and his mother
I look back at it all
You loved me like no other

Do you know that it hurts so much?
When I think about the things we used to do
Do you know that it hurts my heart?
That I'm a 1000 miles from you, from you

Oh, I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

Nobody, nobody knows that
Nobody, nobody, nobody knows...

I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

Claudia Emmanuela Santoso ft. Alice Merton - Goodbye Songtext

zu Goodbye von Claudia Emmanuela Santoso feat. Alice Merton - Goodbye Lyrics Claudia Emmanuela Santoso - Goodbye Text Alice Merton & Claudia Emmanuela Santoso - Goodbye Liedtext
Claudia Emmanuela Santoso feat. Alice Merton Goodbye Letra de Goodbye com Claudia Emmanuela Santoso feat. Alice Merton Claudia Emmanuela Santoso - Goodbye (From The Voice Of Germany) Goodbye von Alice Merton für Claudia Emmanuela Santoso

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