Citizen Soldier - Where Were You Text

Songtext zu Where Were You

Where were you when I was at my worst?
Wouldn't put me first, that's the part that hurts
That's the part that hurts

Another call unanswered has got me losing sleep
And now I'm questioning, were you ever listening?
You know me more than most do and that's what cuts so deep
When I needed you there, you didn't seem to care

I showed you all my demons when I was out of reasons
Am I an inconvenience?

Where were you when I was at my worst?

Wouldn't put me first, that's the part that hurts
Where were you when I was scared to trust, still I opened up?
Guess I'm just too much (Guess I'm just too much)
It could've been, could've been life or death
I've tried but I'll never forget
Where were you?
Where were you?

Where were you?

This was so one-sided
'Cause when you needed me
I'd never hesitate but that don't reciprocate
So don't you dare deny it, the trust that you betrayed
Words can't articulate the toll it took on me

I showed you all my demons when I was out of reasons
I'm nowhere close to healing

Where were you when I was at my worst?

Wouldn't put me first, that's the part that hurts
Where were you when I was scared to trust, still I opened up?
Guess I'm just too much (Guess I'm just too much)
It could've been, could've been life or death
I've tried but I'll never forget
Where were you?
Where were you?

When I was lost and fighting thoughts screaming to end the pain
Where were you, where were you?
When I was told you'd help me cope you lied, you never came
Where were you, where were you?

Where were you when I was at my worst?
Wouldn't put me first, that's the part that hurts
Where were you when I was scared to trust, still I opened up?
Guess I'm just too much (Guess I'm just too much)
It could've been, could've been life or death
I've tried but I'll never forget
Where were you?
Where were you?

Where were you?
Where were you?

Citizen Soldier - Where Were You Songtext

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