Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Text

Songtext zu LOUD!

Talking to your ghost
I'm always waiting for the sound
Maybe that's what hurts the most
I never really hear you now
What if I expect too much
Maybe that's what brings me down

Can you hear me?
Singing to you
Have I lost you?
Maybe you'll hear if I sing this Loud
If you're near me
Give me something
Listen closely

Maybe you'll hear if I sing this Loud

You were never really far away
Till the moment that I closed my eyes
I just know that something keeps you in my life
Maybe I expect too much
And that's what brings me down

Can you hear me?
Singing to you
Have I lost you?
Maybe you will hear if I sing this Loud
If you're near me
Give me something
Listen closely
Maybe you will hear if I sing this Loud

If I sing out Loud
If I sing out Loud
If I sing out Loud

Maybe you'll hear if I sing this Loud
If I sing out Loud
If I sing out Loud
If I sing this Loud
Maybe you'll hear it if I sing this Loud

Can you hear me?
If I sing out Loud
Singing to you
Have I lost you?
Maybe you will hear if I sing this Loud
If you're near me
Give me something
Listen closely
Maybe you will hear if I sing this Loud

If you're near me
Give me something
If I sing out loud
Listen closely
Maybe you will hear if I sing this Loud

Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Songtext

zu LOUD! von Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Lyrics Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Text LOUD! Chesney Hawkes LOUD! Liedtext
Chesney Hawkes LOUD! Letra de LOUD! com Chesney Hawkes Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Songtekst Chesney Hawkes - LOUD! Tekst
Album: Living Arrows (2025)

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